
I'm Somar

I create augmented reality experiences that help people express themselves

Instagram Filters

Lifetime Analytics


Mannequin AR

Mannequin AR

Facebook Hackathon Sep. 2020

Facebook Hackathon Sep. 2020

Collaborated on an AR mannequin modelling high fidelity clothing in the user's environment.

Collaborated on an AR mannequin modelling high fidelity clothing in the user's environment.



Animation For Computer Games, Fall 2021

Animation For Computer Games, Fall 2021

Developed a face filter app for creating makeup, tattoo, and face mask effects similar to Instagram and Snapchat. It's built using C++, OpenGL, and OpenCV.

Developed a face filter app for creating makeup, tattoo, and face mask effects similar to Instagram and Snapchat. It's built using C++, OpenGL, and OpenCV.

A Fetish For Beauty

A Fetish For Beauty

Client Project

Client Project

Designed a filter for @yourFashionArchive recreating a real-life make-up look from fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck's Summer 1998 collection.

Designed a filter for @yourFashionArchive recreating a real-life make-up look from fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck's Summer 1998 collection.

Concept Games

Some projects I built while learning the Unity engine

Loona Assault

My attempt at creating a star fox style rail shooter and practicing 3D movement, projectile shooting, terrain generation, enemy interaction, and the unity timeline


This space ship sidescroller helped me understand concepts like collisions, player input, particle emitters, and many unity basics

Vex Field

Barebones tower defense strategy game which implements manual enemy pathfinding using breadth-first search

I built this portfolio using HTML/CSS and JavaScript with the Bootstrap framework. View source code here.